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Essence of Alaska with Black Cottonwood & Spruce

Essence of Alaska with Black Cottonwood & Spruce

Our household "volunteers" say Essence of Alaska is absolutely wonderful!


"It really works! I...fell down the stairs, totally by myself and not pushed, and really banged up my arm. I put some Essence of Alaska where it hurt, and within moments the pain began to go away!" ~Andrew (willing volunteer)


"OW! Why'd you kick me in the shin? What is that? Oh, is it the Essence of Alaska? My shoulder already hurt, we could have jus...Oh wow, my shin stopped hurting already! That's pretty neat stuff!" ~Tyler (obviously, another willing volunteer)


"I feel so GOOD!!! No pain in my back or neck...or knees...or feet...hands...shoulders...."~Timbi (Master Crafter, willing volunteer)


An Alaskan spin on an old world favorite, Essence of Alaska, is based on the famous Balm of Gilead. We keep the recipe as simple and natural as possible. Black cottonwood buds, spruce tips, and coconut oil form the base of this classic helpful and moisturizing balm. We add this potent concoction to a mixture of cocoa butter, bees wax, and blue spruce essential oil to form a lightly scented, easily useable, take anywhere you go, amazingly helpful product. It's also a great intensive moisturizer for extremely dry, cracked skin.  With many properties and claims similar to our Devils Club salve, the Essence of Alaska is another amazing item from Timbi's inventory, made with love and intention, get yours before the season changes!


Ingredients: Bees wax; coconut oil; cocoa butter; lavender, frankincense, myrrh, & blue spruce essential oils. 


Net weight: 3.5 oz

Keep in a cool, dry place.  Refrigerate if balm begins to melt. 


***This product has not been approved by the FDA though the individual ingredients have. This is not intended to replace the advice of a physician nor is it intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

  • Care of Balm

    Store in a cool place, refrigerate if balm begins to melt.

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